Monday, January 14, 2013

Una mas??!!

 Uno mas!?!

Our last day started out with our usual 7am group breakfast, but going around the room there were mixed emotions as were shown in our word of the day. Some saying they were sad to be leaving and others anxious to begin.

Back on the jobsite however, the spirits rose and the laughter ensued. Let the flash mobing begin! As the girls went around sneaking up on all the little 'half spoons' to make sure they all got their photos taken.
He couldn`t get away fast enough after this...
Taking him for a ride...
I think this guy jumped off the wall for a chance for a photo with the girls...
Go Canada!
Although it may have been our last day, there was still lots to be done. There was, surprise-surprise adobe bricks to be moved, 'mescala' to be made and laid, and loading and unloading around the site. 

Around 1pm the locals started to gather on the job site and by 2pm the job site was full of smiling, laughing children and local musicians playing for our special goodbye ceremony. 

Michelle aka mich mash, organized an amazing activity for the ceremony that included all the Habitat homeowners to be, the masons and our team. We all stood in a circle and throwing a ball of yarn to the person opposite we took turns saying our favourite part of the week. It was wonderful to hear the masons... People we had spent the week working with but for everyone other than Jeff, struggled to communicate with, making it by with a few Spanish words and hand signals. It was great to hear through translation by Luis how they felt about having our group there and what they were taking from the experience. All seemed grateful, one Antoine, a short very quiet half spoon said how grateful he was for having the team there and how motivating it was to see how hard we worked makes him want to work harder and better. 

It was also very heartwarming to hear from the homeowners how much these homes and our contribution means to them! That without our help and contributions from our sponsors, their dreams of owning a ' safe and decent place to live' would never have come true. By the end it was not only hard to speak but also hard to hold back our tears.

Daniel the site supervisor and head mason, gave a heartfelt and inspiring speech on how he feels as not only a mason but as a Habitat home owner himself. he said how he stays to work with Habitat because he truly believes in the organization and it's work. And although he could make more money working elsewhere, he wants to give back to his community and give the same opportunity that his family received 

Once everyone in the circle had taken a turn, Michelle closed the activity by cutting the yarn into pieces with everyone getting a piece to make into bracelets....leaving us forever connected with the memories of this truly life changing experience. Great work Michelle!

During the ceremony we were able to give each of the masons as well as Rodrigo and Daniel the site supervisors photos of themselves with the team. Something that would seem so simple to us, meant so much to the hardworking masons.  Being a project that I had worked on I found it hard not to get a little choked up giving out the photos and seeing the masons reactions as they looked at themselves in the photos.
Team Certificates... We did it!!

If there was still a dry eye to be found, our local sweetheart Alba, a nine year old princess, soon changed that with her personal impromptu speech thanking everyone for their help and saying how happy she was that we had came to help and how nice it was to be able to come and see us everyday.

To finish the ceremony our only pastor and part time habitat for humanity site safety co-ordinator lead the group in a blessing. Then the tears and sniffles were quickly pushed aside for some more local music and home made treats.... Thankfully without whipped cream. 
This is how we thanks Safety Steve for keeping us safe all week...

After a quick clean up and final round of hugs we packed up our things for the last time and with one final look around ... Making sure to photograph the empty field where the piles and piles of abode bricks once stood there a small sense of accomplishment as well as sadness knowing there was no hasta mañana. 

This week overall has been a life changing opportunity for everyone involved and is an opportunity that would not of been possible without every single person, for one person with a backhoe can simply only dig a hole, but a team can build a home, a story, a memory, a bond and a life long friendship. 
Paula Murray...

Piñata anyone?

Taking her for a ride...

Paula and her buddies...

We loved our David...

Jennifer ceremoniously handing over the boots...(The Saint John Folks will be glad to see them go!)
Steve rose to the challenge set by his buddy Jeff!

The cutest couple on our build!!! (and the only ones, but they`re still cute!)


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